Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane...

but, if all goes according to plan, I do know when I'll be back again, and that will be on February 7th.

Thanks to the generosity of my home church, I will be accompanying my pastor to the Philippines for a week (or so) long tour of the mission field there. From the abbreviated itinerary I've been given, it appears that we will visit several of the main islands and cities. Along the way, we will see churches and hospitals and schools, oh my!

Having never been overseas before, I'm looking forward to the trip as an exciting adventure as well as a learning experience. I'm sure we will also get a chance to see some beautiful scenery and enjoy some touristy type activities while we are there.

My prayers go with you all. Especially prayers for peace and confidence for those of you in the Hebrew class as you get past this last little hump and then for those who are taking the Bible Content Exam and working on Exegesis Ords.

See you all soon!

-- Greg

P.S. Someone be sure and take good notes for me in Entry Into Ministry, Philemon, Christian Education in the Congregation, and Mission & Evangelism. :-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow and Ice and Frost, Oh my!

Words of the Day

Snow - שלג
Snow is used rarely in the OT (21 times), and interestingly, on multiple times it is used in describing the whiteness of leprousy.

Ice - קדר
Ice is even rarer in the OT, occuring only 3 times.

Hoarfrost - כפור
Is also used only three times in the context of frost, although it is also used three additional times with the meaning of a silver or gold bowl.

So....may you all enjoy this time of leprous bowls of precious metal. Be Safe!