Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Smashing Good Time

In honor of reading week, I offer you the Hulk Smash Up game.

So, when you get tired of reading and studying, let off some steam by engaging in some mindless destruction for points and glory!

And, if you do especially well and want to brag a bit, feel free to post your high scores.

Blessings to you all in your preparations for finals.


bcdees47 said...

I truly enjoy all this Hulk-related mindless destruction. Kudos for a game well-posted!

Greg said...


I think I might be playing this way too much.


Katrina said... are playing a lot. I only got 3 million!

Greg said...

Despite playing this game way too much, especially in the middle of finals week, I have managed to finish all my papers.

It's now time for a new blog entry and a new game.

Final high score: 23,871,024