Friday, July 20, 2007

My Summer Vacation

I remember always hating to have to write reports about my summer vacation as soon as school started again. It didn't occur to me until years after I was out of school how fun it would have been to have just made up something outrageous to turn in. Now that I'm back in school, no one asks for reports like that anymore. Fortunately, we now live in the age of blogs which provides me the perfect venue to share my extraordinary adventures.

Unfortunately, I still lack the motivation to do so.......

Be that as it may, I do feel a certain responsibility to the APTS blogging community to make an entry, since it's been 6 months since my last entry. So, first off, yes, I finally made it back from the Philippines. For those of you who didn't realize that I had been replaced last semester by a Beta Unit while I completed my mission abroad, I apologize if I (it) did anything inappropriate in my absence.

I've spent the last couple of months in an advanced research facility undergoing a series of mind-altering procedures they call CPE. When I've completed the entire process, I believe I'm supposed to be able to perform stupid Jedi mind tricks, or possibly even possess psycho-kinetic powers. In addition to bending all the spoons in the cafeteria, another fun thing I get to do is to develop my very own secret identity! I'm still trying to decide on either super hero or super villain...I'll let you know this Fall. Bwah hahaha (Oh, and I'm also working on my evil laugh. If it doesn't come along better than this, I guess I'll have to settle for super hero).

Well, they're coming to take me away, so no more writing for now. Listen for further developments telepathically through the Low Beta Wave frequencies.

.end of transmission.

1 comment:

PPC Young Adults said...

YAY! You blogged!

I hope the summer has been a bit fun in addition to being stressful.

SPM is going really well. I have a hard time believing I'm finished with it in only 3 weeks!

When do you get back?