Friday, May 19, 2006

Fantasy Finals Pool

Now that deadlines are past and papers are turned in and tests have been taken, I got to wondering...when might I actually see the results of my 'final' herculean attempts to conform to the expectations of the academic establishment (formerly known as 'the man', though more recently as 'the person').

So I figure what better way to indulge in some useless speculation than to start a pool! Now, while everyone didn't take the same classes I did, it IS my pool, so it will be based on the finals for the four classes I took (i.e. Andy's Exegesis paper; Jennifer's Preaching Paper; Cindy's Written Final Exam; and Monya's Final Written Exam).

The rules are simple: post the professor's name and the date on which you think his or her exam/paper will be returned. Do this for each of the four exam/papers. For any given exam/paper you may not pick a date which someone else has already selected.

Points will be awarded based on the number of days between your guesses and the actual return dates. Fewest number of points once all are returned is the winner. In the event of a tie, the person with the most number of exact dates guessed will be declared the winner.

Prizes include an all expense paid trip from APTS campus to the Crown & Anchor where the lucky winner will be treated to a frosty beverage (retail value up to $5!!!)

Here is my entry to use as a model:

Andy : 6/1/2006
Cindy : 6/19/2006
Jennifer : 6/23/2006
Monya : 7/3/2006


Katrina said...

Andy: 6/3/06
Jennifer: 6/15/06
Monya: 6/26/06
Cindy: 7/5/06

bcdees47 said...

Andy: 6/15/06
Jennifer: 6/22/06
Monya: 6/22/06
Cindy: 7/3/07... i mean, 7/3/06

Greg said...

So far we have....

Andy: May 24
Cindy: June 7

Seems expectations are being exceeded!

Greg said...

And preaching papers back on June 9

Greg said...

Okay...the last final (Monya) returned on June 19.

So let's see how the scoring adds up:

Andy's Final (May 24)
Greg - 8 (Jun 1)
Katrina - 10 (Jun 3)
BCDees - 22 (Jun 15)

Cindy's Final (Jun 7)
Greg - 12 (Jun 19)
Katrina - 28 (Jul 5)
BCDees - 26 (Jul 3)

Jennifer's Final (Jun 9)
Greg - 14 (Jun 23)
Katrina - 6 (Jun 15)
BCDees - 13 (Jun 22)

Monya's Final (Jun 19)
Greg - 14 (Jul 3)
Katrina - 7 (Jun 26)
BCDees - 3 (Jun 22)

Greg 8 + 12 + 14 + 14 = 48
Katrina 10 + 28 + 6 + 7 = 51
BCDees 22 + 26 + 13 + 3 = 64

Hopefully, I've done an adequate job with the math here. However, regardless of the results, I consider it bad form to declare myself the winner of my own pool. Therefore, the coveted frosty beverage prize will be awarded to all the Spring 2006 Pool Entrants. You may collect your prizes at our mutual convenience.

Congratulations Katrina and BCDees on a game well-played!